Why You Should Create a Home Inventory List

If you’ve ever moved before, you know how the post-move chaos goes. You get into your new home and then you begin to franticly tear through boxes looking for that one item you know you packed somewhere.

Then, the panic sets in as you wonder what might have happened to it. If you want to avoid that, consider creating an inventory for your belongings. This is a great way to not only track what is being moved, but also to help you later if you need to file anything for insurance purposes.

home inventory list
Here’s What You Need to Get Started with Your Home Inventory List:

1 – Determine What You Need to Inventory — You can’t inventory everything that you own. There’s no need to document everything you keep in the pantry and the fridge. (Unless of course, you happen to have a priceless wine collection.)

And you probably won’t need to inventory all of your clothes unless you have high fashion pieces. But you will want to inventory things like electronics, antiques, artwork, and the like. Basically, any big money items should be inventoried before you move so you can verify that they don’t get lost along the way.

Specific items/categories include:
• Electronics including computers, tablets, smartphones, printers, televisions, stereo and sound equipment, and game systems.
• Appliances like washers/dryers but also smaller appliances like microwaves, food processors, and blenders.
• Furniture will include beds and couches, but also smaller items that may still be of value like lamps or area rugs.
• Musical instruments and antiques

2- Devise a System — Next, you’ll need a system. We recommend keeping a spreadsheet with a description of each item, a value for each one, a picture, and the serial numbers of each item if they have one.

If your inventory is move related, number your moving boxes and list the exact box number so you can find them faster. If this system doesn’t work for you, there are numerous apps you can try like Sortly or Encircle. Each of these has features that make the process easier. What also makes these apps so great is that they have free features, and you don’t have to worry about expenses when making your inventory.

3 – Start Small — If you try to inventory everything all at once, you’ll never get started. Instead, find a small area to start like a closet or your work area. Once you get over the hurdle of starting, it will go much smoother.

4 – Keep Updating — Once you have a start on your inventory, make sure you update regularly. For instance, if you buy a new computer or tablet, add it to your inventory immediately. Keeping the new purchases updated will help you stay current. This will be especially important if you ever move again or if you need to make an insurance claim.

5 – Label Your Boxes Accurately — When you’re packing your inventoried items, make sure that you make a note of which box has which item. Here, we recommend having a labeling system.

For instance, as you box up your bedroom items, label the box “Master Bedroom Box # 1 of _____.” Then, when you finish, count your boxes for that room and write the number in the blank space.

When the boxes arrive at your home, you know what goes in each room and you can see at a glance how many boxes you have (and will know if one is missing). You can also figure out quickly which box has your items you want to unpack first using this system.

Home Inventories Serve Multiple Purposes & Are Helpful in a Move

If you are getting ready for a move or even if you just want to keep track of your things so you can have an accurate inventory for insurance purposes, then you need to devise a system and stick with it. An inventory is something every household needs to keep updating regularly so that you know exactly what you have on hand.

Move Without Worry or Stress. Hire Experienced Movers That Care.

Crescent Moving & Storage has been in business for over 40 years providing reliable, timely, and safe moving services for businesses and homeowners in the Vancouver area. Find out why so many trust Crescent Moving to care for their most valuable assets. Contact us for a FREE, no-obligation moving quote.

Guide to the Best Way to Pack Your Clothes for Moving

When it comes time to pack up your home, every single item inside it comes with its problems and issues. From having to pack the most delicate fine crystal to moving a large couch, each item can be different in its own way. That is especially true of packing your clothes.

With that in mind, here are tips and tricks on how to prepare your wardrobe for your next move:

1 Clean Out the Closet — Any time you start to pack up for a move, we strongly encourage you to do a lot of spring cleaning. Rid yourself of items you don’t need.

This is especially true of clothes.

Go to the closet and start three stacks—keep, donate, and trash. If you haven’t worn an item in over a year, chances are you can toss it out.

Don’t hold on to those great jeans that you hope one day to be able to fit into. It’s time to let them go. If the items are too threadbare or ragged to donate, throw them in the trash and reduce your packing load.

2 Sort Your Clothes — Once you have rid yourself of unneeded items, it’s time to start sorting them further. There are two ways to do this. The first would be to sort them by the type of clothing. For instance, you can pack pants easier in one container and dresses in another. It also makes it more organized for when you unpack.

Another way to handle this is packing based on the clothing season. For instance, if you are moving in the spring, you can pack your winter and fall clothes separately as you aren’t going to need these items immediately after your move.

Another HUGE point here is to make sure that you label the boxes appropriately. If you are moving in the spring, label your winter clothes so you know not to start your unpacking with those items.

3 Pack Properly — If you have a lot of items that need to be hung up (such as suits or dresses), then you may want to invest in wardrobe moving boxes that can allow you to keep the items on a hanger as you move them. When it comes to clothes that you are folding up, you may already have a great packing tool at your disposal—luggage.

Suitcases are made to transport clothes from point A to point B, so you can pack your clothes in your suitcases and transport them without having to get extra boxes. Many movers will also swear by the trick of not unpacking your dressers. If possible, take out each drawer (with the clothes inside) and then wrap them with stretch wrap to keep the items from falling out. Now, you can stack the drawers in the moving truck and just pop them back in the dresser when you get to the new home (without having to unpack them).

4 Hire the Pros — Consider hiring professional movers to get you packed and moved properly. An experienced moving company has been helping people pack and move for years. So, use their expertise and have them help you pack your clothes properly so you can get them transported and unpack them efficiently.

Clothes Are Important in Your Move – Pack With Care

Your clothes are an important part of your personality and individuality. That’s why it’s a no-brainer that you would want to protect these items when you are moving and ensure you can quickly and efficiently unpack them. After all, no one wants to have to wear the same clothes day after day because you haven’t found the right box to unpack for your favorite shirt!

Use Experienced, Professional Movers Who Know Your Area

Crescent Moving & Storage has been in business for over 40 years providing reliable, timely, and safe moving services for businesses and homeowners in the Vancouver area. Rain or shine, summer or fall, we’re there for you! Find out why so many trust Crescent Moving to care for their most valuable assets. Contact us for a FREE, no-obligation moving quote.

How To Avoid Unpacking Procrastination

If you were to ask anyone what the most challenging part of moving is, the answer may surprise you. For many, it’s not the packing or the maneuvering heavy furniture through tight spaces. In fact, the hardest part can be the unpacking. 

Looking at the stacks of boxes, you can become overwhelmed at the idea of having to do all that unpacking. You just can’t get motivated to start! 

But, the reality is that you can’t create a home out of packing boxes and use those as furniture. You have to unpack. 

Here Are Tips to Motivate Yourself While Making the Unpacking Process More Efficient:

Get Your Tunes Going (Or an Audiobook…Or a Podcast)

Have a little fun with the process as you’re working. That’s easier said than done, but one way to do this is by listening to something to keep your mind occupied. Whether it’s high-energy music, an enthralling audiobook, or an interesting podcast, listening to something while you unpack can make it go faster. 

Don’t turn on the TV, though, as this can be way too distracting. You’ll find yourself sitting on the couch watching that new episode of Stranger Things and not getting anything done. You want something that will distract you enough to keep you working but not enough to stop working altogether and become absorbed in something else.

Work a Little Along

Another important tip is don’t do everything all at once. If you look at the piles of boxes and think, “This has to be finished today,” you’re never going to want to start. However, if you look at the same piles and think, “I’ll do this stack today, this stack tomorrow, and so on,” then you’re breaking it into more manageable increments and you won’t feel so overwhelmed. 

Keep in mind that the actual unboxing isn’t that hard. What’s holding you back is psychological not the actual unpacking.

Stack Boxes on Your Furniture

This one may sound silly but hear us out. If you don’t have a place to sit and relax, then you must deal with the boxes. So, stack your boxes on top of the couches and chairs (and your bed if you must). 

That way, you can ensure you will unpack the boxes so you can have access to your favourite comfy recliner. And, if you’re taking our advice and working a little along, stack up more boxes at the end of each day so you can do it all over again the next day.

Don’t Worry About Getting It All Done Perfectly

Another big challenge that can slow down the process is thinking that you must put everything away perfectly the first time. The idea here is to get everything out of the boxes and unpack all your stuff. 

Items don’t have to go in the right spot. You can save the organizing and putting away for later when you have more time. Right now, you just want the boxes out of your way so you can get more done.

It’s a Tough Job But Someone Has to Unpack

Ask anyone and they will tell you they dread moving. The packing and physically moving items can be demanding. At least there is a time limit when packing to move. 

But unpacking is more problematic because you don’t have movers looming over you. If you don’t act proactively by getting the boxes unpacked, you could end up with those boxes sitting in your living room for weeks.

Move Without Worry or Stress. Hire Experienced Movers That Care.

Crescent Moving & Storage has been in business for over 40 years providing reliable, timely, and safe moving services for businesses and homeowners in the Vancouver area. Find out why so many trust Crescent Moving to care for their most valuable assets. Contact us for a FREE, no-obligation moving quote.

Moving in the Summer in Canada: The Pros and Cons

It seems like there is never a “right” time to move. Instead, there is always something else that you wish you could be doing, like getting a root canal or filing your taxes. But, if you do have to move in Canada, many people wonder when the optimum time is. Most folks that you ask would say “summer.” 

But is that really the case? Let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of a summer move so you can make an informed decision about when you should plan your next move.

Moving during the summer

The Pros — First, let’s look at the advantages of a summer move:

More Daylight — One of the obvious advantages of moving in the summer is that the days are longer, so you have more daylight to work with. Even in most urban areas with lots of outside lighting, you don’t want to move at night. Not only will this be a safety hazard (i.e., tripping over something in the dark), but it can also be impractical as you could more easily misplace items or damage them during the move.

Easier Driving — Let’s face it: during the winter it can be hard to drive even the most rugged truck with snow tires through some areas. Now imagine trying to do that with a moving van with all your breakables and valuables inside. The weather in the summer will make it easier to drive your van as well as carry your belongings into your new home.

Better Housing Market — Outside of the move itself, the summer is usually a better time to buy a new home (or sell your old one). More homes are on the market after a good spring cleaning and the prices tend to be more competitive. (Unfortunately, that also means that you might be paying more for your new home, so consider this a pro and a con.)

The Cons — Before you decide that summer is the way to go, here are the disadvantages to moving during this time of year:

Moving Availability — Because summer is considered “peak” moving time, a lot of moving companies will book up quickly. So, if you plan to hire professional movers or even just a moving van, you’re going to need to do this as early as possible. Also, because of the high demand, you will probably see price increases for moving goods and services during the summer.

The Heat — Contrary to popular stereotypes, it does get hot in Canada, especially during the summer. Sure, summer generally provides better weather for moving than the rainy/snowy/icy months of winter, but it can also be a hot time to move as well. If you do choose to move during the summer, make sure that you stay hydrated and schedule plenty of breaks so that you don’t overdo it.

Having a Hard Time Recruiting Friends — During the summer months, most of us plan day trips or vacations to get out of town. So, if you are moving during the summer, it may be harder to recruit friends and family members to help you with the move. Even the enticement of pizza and cold beer as payment may not be enough to lure them away from their summer plans. That being said, it may be a good idea to look at booking a professional moving company so that they can do all of the work for you.

Consider the Pros and Cons Before You Move

Moving during the summer comes with a unique set of advantages and disadvantages. What you need to decide is what works best for your health, budget, and home plans before you schedule your move.

Use Experienced, Professional Movers Who Know Your Area
Crescent Moving & Storage has been in business for over 40 years providing reliable, timely, and safe moving services for businesses and homeowners in the Vancouver area. Rain or shine, summer or fall, we’re there for you! Find out why so many trust Crescent Moving to care for their most valuable assets. Contact us for a FREE, no-obligation moving quote.

Tips for Moving from the U.S. to Canada

People from all over the world are taking notice of what Canada has to offer. Particularly Americans looking to relocate for a variety of reasons. In fact, Forbes magazine pointed out that pre-COVID, Canada’s immigration rate had risen by 26% while the United States’ rate had dropped by 7%. 

Now that the pandemic is entering a new phase and things are returning to a semblance of normalcy, that rate is expected to continue. If you’re an American who is looking to relocate to Canada, we’d like to share some tips to make that transition easier.

4 Tips for Moving from the United States to Canada:

Canadian flag in front of the beautiful city of Vancouver, Canada.
  • Do your research — Begin your relocation to Canada with your due diligence. There are a lot of things you need to know about Canada before you move here. 

While many people think of it as a vast winter wonderland (or wasteland depending on your perspective), it’s important to remember that Canada has vastly different regions each with its own climate. The same is true for the culture, so make sure that wherever you are planning to move is going to be a good fit for you. 

Also, ensure that you have a job lined up before the move. The tech industry especially in Canada is booming right now, but that also means a lot of competition for the jobs.

  • Get your paperwork in order — Moving to a new country is always going to be a paperwork nightmare, and that was before COVID hit. There are a lot of issues you’re going to need to have in order including your passport, immigration papers, and work visas. 

    You will also need to look at requirements with the local health department regarding COVID vaccination status and possible quarantining when you enter the country. All of that is changing regularly, so call and find out what you need as soon as possible.

  • Clear out your belongings — It costs quite a bit to move internationally, and the rule of thumb is that the easiest way to keep your costs down is to not move that much. Start out by going room-by-room in your current home and sort your belongings into three sections. 

Keep, throw away, and donate/sell. Ideally, the majority of your things will be in the last two categories as you need to simplify as much as possible. Remember that many items are easily replaceable and it may just be a good idea to buy something new when you get to Canada.

  • Find a reputable moving company — Finally, you want a reputable professional moving company to help you with your move. Some moving companies work on both sides of the border and some will pick it up for the last leg and drop-off your items. 

Either way, you want a moving company that knows how to move your things safely and securely while also helping you take care of the paperwork involved in making the move. And, an experienced professional moving company will give you peace of mind that your stuff will be safe. You can feel better knowing that you won’t have to hurt yourself trying to move everything.

Moving Countries Can Be an Exciting Adventure with the Right Support

If you are one of the thousands of Americans who are considering a move to Canada, we just want to say welcome! From one end of the country to the other, there’s plenty to offer new residents when it comes to jobs, recreation, outdoor activities, and art. Just make sure you get your move handled by professional movers to help make the transition a smooth one.

Easily Move Without Worry or Stress. Hire Experienced Movers That Care.

Crescent Moving & Storage has been in business for over 40 years providing reliable, timely, and safe moving services for businesses and homeowners in the Vancouver area. Find out why so many trust Crescent Moving to care for their most valuable assets. Contact us for a FREE, no-obligation moving quote.

Common Moving Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make

When it comes time to moving, it can be aggravating, time-consuming, and back-breaking when everything goes right. But when you make mistakes, it can really drive you crazy. 

One way to handle this is by hiring experienced, professional movers. They have the experience to know exactly what can go wrong and how to avoid these situations. 

But, there are some things that you can look out for, from the lead-up and packing to the actual move itself. We want to keep you informed so you can have the best relocation experience. 

4 Common Moving Mistakes Here are common mistakes people make when they get ready to move to a new home:

1- Not updating addresses — When it comes to moving, one of the details a lot of people overlook is just how many folks need to know about your new address. You should definitely do a change of address form with your local post office to get your mail forwarded to you. 

At the same time, though, you need to update all of your billing information with any online retailers or creditors so that you have no issues receiving new bills (which could lead to late fees if you don’t pay them on time). 

Additionally, let everyone else in your life from friends and family to your magazine subscriptions know about your new address. Finally, it’s essential that you let government benefit offices including your insurance office know about your new address.

2- Not updating utilities — Once you’re done with your change of address information, you need to look at informing your utility companies about your move. You will need to shut off things like water, power, cable, and internet in your old home and make sure that it’s all set up in your new one. No one wants to move into a new home and find out that it will take a week to get the lights on because they forgot to communicate with the power company.

3- Packing too much in one box — When it comes to the actual packing, one issue that is all too common is overpacking your boxes. It seems like we have this idea that we need to cram as much as possible into every single box. 

This is going to be problematic on two levels. First, if you pack a lot of heavy items (books, pots and pans, etc.) into one box, you aren’t going to be able to move the box without breaking your back. And then, if you do manage to pick it up, you run into the second problem—namely the box and packing tape is liable to rip sending everything spilling out. Just keep it simple and pack only a few things in each box.

4- Not keeping their essentials separate — If you’re a moving expert, then you already know about this. But novices make the mistake all the time. 

It may take you several days to unpack your boxes (or weeks in some cases). So anything that is an essential item should be packed in an overnight bag and transported separately from the rest of your items. 

This would include a couple of days’ worth of clothes (minimum), your medicines, toiletry items, and technology like phone chargers. If you have kids, pack a bag for each child as well and include a favorite toy or game to keep them occupied until you can get everything else unpacked.

5-Not hiring a certified moving company — Finally, a big mistake that people make is trying to do everything themselves. Professional movers are just that—professionals. They know the ins-and-outs of moving and they know how to avoid the pitfalls of getting you packed up and moved. 

Finally, if you choose to go it alone, you’re looking at a longer move time and the potential of hurting yourself trying to pick up those heavy items. 

Moving Can Be a Great Experience…with Help

Moving doesn’t have to be a miserable experience. In fact, it should be the start of a new adventure as you get ready to start over in a new place. But if you don’t follow this advice, you run the risk of falling into the trap of these common mistakes which can make your move a tough one.

Use Experienced, Professional Movers Who Know Your Area
Crescent Moving & Storage has been in business for over 40 years providing reliable, timely, and safe moving services for businesses and homeowners in the Vancouver area. Rain or shine, we’re there for you! Find out why so many trust Crescent Moving to care for their most valuable assets. Contact us for a FREE, no-obligation moving quote.

How To Pack Porcelain Items When Moving

When you move, you’re taking a risk and hoping that your cherished belongings will make it safely from Point A to Point B. This is especially true of porcelain objects such as figurines and fine china. 

Porcelain items aren’t just incredibly fragile. They’re also often incredibly expensive. But if you want to make sure they arrive safely to your new home, you need to make sure you follow these guidelines to protect your porcelain items. 

Here are steps you can take to protect your valuable porcelain possessions:


  1. Let the professionals do it for you — Probably the best tip we can give you is don’t pack your porcelain items yourself. Professional movers have years of experience at handling the most fragile items such as your porcelain and fine china. 

The reality is that you have a lot of other things to worry about when you’re getting ready to move into a new home. You don’t want to compound this by having to pack your delicate things safely and then worrying whether you did it correctly. 

Instead, professional movers have the experience, the tools and can quickly get your personal valuables moved without harm.

  1.  Make a list — If you’re going to pack yourself, the first thing you need to do is create a complete list of all the items you plan to pack. When you get to the end of the packing and find one extra item, you don’t want to cram that into a box with anything else. Know exactly what you must pack before you do anything else.

  2. Assemble your supplies — Once you have an idea of how much you must pack, be sure to assemble a good supply of high-quality packing materials. This isn’t the time to skimp on packing boxes and try to get by with banana boxes or left overs from the back of the package shop.  Instead, buy high quality, reinforced packing boxes. By the same token, be sure to get bubble wrap, or something similar, to cushion the porcelain items so they don’t crack in transit. Also, when you’re putting together the boxes, be sure to use heavy duty packing tape that won’t tear or split open leaving all your breakables to fall out of the box’s bottom.
  3. Pack properly — Start the actual packing by separating your items into two groups. The most fragile and delicate of your porcelain items should be put aside and packed separately. Also, when you are packing these, make sure you are standing on a soft surface like a heavily carpeted area (or packing on a cushiony bed). The last thing you want is to lose your grip and accidentally drop an item on a tile or hardwood floor. 

If you’re packing plates or bowls, stack them inside of each other (or on top of each other) with a layer of bubble wrap separating them. This way, they will take up less space, but they will also be properly protected in the boxes.

Precious Porcelain Items Need Extra Attention and Care

Porcelain objects can be among some of the most beautiful and delicate pieces of art and craftsmanship in the world. However, that delicacy also makes them incredibly fragile and not something you want to just toss into a box during your next move. Instead, the care and respect they deserve is important so that they can make it safely to your new home, whether it’s across the street or across the country. 

Use Experienced, Professional Movers Who Know Your Area
Crescent Moving & Storage has been in business for over 40 years providing reliable, timely, and safe moving services for businesses and homeowners in the Vancouver area. Rain or shine, we’re there for you! Find out why so many trust Crescent Moving to care for their most valuable assets. Contact us for a FREE, no-obligation moving quote.

The Hardest Items to Move When Relocating

When it comes time to move into a new home, people often take a look around their living space with dread. They mentally calculate all the items they have to pack up and it becomes overwhelming to count it all. 


But then comes the really scary stuff—those items that are hard to move which fill you with fear. That’s why it’s so important to consider a professional moving company. Experienced movers know exactly how to move items carefully so that they don’t get damaged. 

The Hardest Items to Move When Relocating

Let’s look at the difficulties involved with the hardest items to move when relocating:

  1. Antiques and Collectibles — Many of us have items that are priceless (at least to us) and if they were broken, we’d be devastated. Whether it’s an antique vase, an expensive collection of wines, or vintage comic books, each has its own issues. You have to consider how to wrap and package them, transport them, or store them so that they are safe from climate issues. That’s one reason why a professional moving company can be so important.

  2. Major Appliances — Take a look around your house or apartment and list all the major appliances that will have to be moved—your refrigerator, your washer and dryer, and more. Now ask yourself how you are going to get these items out of your home and into your new place. Not only do many of these require special equipment to move them, but they are cumbersome making moving difficult. These items can be some of the toughest to squeeze through doors and may even require doors to be taken off the hinges to get them through a doorway.

  3. Pianos — One of the biggest moving problems for homeowners is a piano. Whether it’s a small upright or a full grand piano, moving the item has multiple issues. First, any piano is going to be bulky and take up a lot of space on a moving truck. But it’s also an awkward size with weird weight distributions which can make it difficult to move. Worst of all, moving a piano incorrectly can cause serious damage to the interior working pieces and can ruin the sound it produces. It’s important that you get a professional mover to take care of this item.

  4. Sports Equipment — We’re not talking about baseball bats or hockey sticks here. When it comes to sports and fitness, some people have invested thousands of dollars in exercise bikes, treadmills, rowing machines, and complex weight benches. Just like with a piano, improper moving can throw these out of sync and seriously damage them. In some cases, the damage could potentially make them worthless. That’s why extreme care needs to be taken when moving the equipment. (These are also difficult to move because many of them weigh more than even your average major appliance!)

  5. Technology — A lot of people might think these are the easiest items to move. After all, we pack up our laptops and phones all the time to go to work or school. But if you’re taking items like computers, televisions, or printers on a long-distance move, this can be problematic. For instance, sometimes it’s necessary to keep items in storage until you can move them into the new location. Technology doesn’t respond well to heat and if your storage center isn’t climate controlled, you can end up ruining the equipment. Also, when you get to your new location, set-up can be a nightmare, especially if you just threw your wires and cords into a box.

Don’t Get Stuck on Moving Day with Hard and Heavy Items to Move

Moving is usually a hard experience. But if you have any of these items, then the process can be even more arduous. If at all possible, hiring professional movers can make these moves a lot easier for you. 

Use Experienced, Professional Movers Who Know Your Area
Crescent Moving & Storage has been in business for over 40 years providing reliable, timely, and safe moving services for businesses and homeowners in the Vancouver area. Rain or shine, we’re there for you! Find out why so many trust Crescent Moving to care for their most valuable assets. Contact us for a FREE, no-obligation moving quote.

Friends vs Professional Movers: Save More Than Money When You Move

Has this happened to you? You get a call from a friend you haven’t heard from in months and they have a request that they “hate to ask.” But the upshot is that they want you to help them move this weekend. 

While your brain turns over a list of a dozen excuses to get out of it, you probably also think back to when you have been in a similar situation. Basically, you can do it yourself, hire movers, or go with the cheapest option (in terms of time and money). Ask your friends to help. 

Here are the pros and cons of hiring friends to help you with your relocation:


  • First, asking your friends to help with the move likely won’t cost you money. And if it does, they probably won’t cost as much as professional movers. Most friends (at least the good ones) will be willing to help move in return for some pizza or Chinese takeout and a couple of beers.


  • Another reason you might want to consider this option is that you’ll get to spend more time with your friends. Sure, you’ll all be working hard. But there’s something about the company of good friends that will help that time pass quicker than trying to go it alone.


  • Another unexpected consequence is that you tend to be safer when you have other people working with you. You are more likely to look out for the well-being of everyone so you won’t let anyone get hurt.


  • Finally, this option also allows for flexible time scheduling. In fact, you work out the timing with your friends and not around some business’s plan.


  • It can be hard to figure out exactly how many friends will show up and how many will say they have other plans.


  • You may also not know what your friends will be willing to do when they get there. (Will they help with boxes or are they going to be willing to help move that giant sofa?)


  • If something happens and one of your friends does get hurt, you’ll feel bad about that and it could end up hurting your friendship as well. (And, in some cases, insurance may have to get involved if they are hurt on your property.)


  • When you’re moving heavy objects, tempers can run as high as the temperatures. This could lead to arguments and hurt feelings between you and your friends.


  • You may find out you have a snooper in your friend group. Are you prepared to have all of your items looked at and fondled?


  • When hiring professional movers, you know you’ll be out of your old place and in your new home in a day. Friends don’t usually have the same sense of urgency. 


  • If a professional breaks something, their insurance will cover the item and replace it. But if your friend breaks something, there’s no coverage. You will simply have to hope that they will replace the item.


There Is a Cost to Having Friends Move You – Are You Prepared for That Expense?

Moving is hard enough. It’s important that you don’t let the stress and frustrations of moving get in the way of your friendships. Instead, know upfront what you’re getting into and how many movers you can count on for the big moving day. 

Using a professional moving crew will actually save you a lot in terms of sanity and help you spend time with your friends at your new place as you get settled in. It will also ensure that you don’t lose those friends over petty moving day arguments.

Use Experienced, Professional Movers Who Know Your Area

Crescent Moving & Storage has been in business for over 40 years providing reliable, timely, and safe moving services for businesses and homeowners in the Vancouver area. Rain or shine, we’re there for you! Find out why so many trust Crescent Moving to care for their most valuable assets. Contact us for a FREE, no-obligation moving quote.

Best Canadian Cities for Start-Ups

For the past two decades, hundreds of thousands of people a year have immigrated from different countries to Canada. That doesn’t even include those who move from one province to another. Many of those making these moves are doing so with the hopes of starting a business or taking advantage of the economic boom, particularly in the tech industry. 

Let’s take a look at which Canadian cities are the best cities for a new start-up:


When you think of technology start-ups, you might look towards Silicon Valley, California (home of Apple) and Seattle, Washington (home of Microsoft). But Vancouver has attracted multiple tech businesses including Amazon. (They have even lured Microsoft up to Canada with a second headquarters.) 

If you’re looking for a place to network with the elites of the tech world, then Vancouver is becoming the place to be. The city boasts over 100,000 technology professionals who can meet your staffing resource needs and the tech sector generates $23 billion a year in revenue. For those who want to create a new start-up, it would be worth it to relocate your business to this beautiful city. 


This is another major technology centre with an incredibly diverse population. Many of whom have immigrated to Canada specifically to bring their expertise to a variety of industries including finance and healthcare. 

In fact, 40% of Toronto technology workers are from outside of Canada. If you’re looking to create a start-up that can draw a lot of young, eager tech employees excited about being part of something great from the beginning, then Toronto might be for you.


Coming in at #3 on our list is Calgary. This city, the largest in Alberta, is known for several industries including aerospace, agriculture, and energy as well as film and media. Calgary is already home to 450 start-ups and was on its way to setting records for investment in the province, prior to the start of the pandemic. 


In 2018, Montreal was named one of the top global cities for startups. That same year, the city had $1.7 billion in venture capital financing and was named the second best city in the Americas for millennials. If you are looking to launch a start-up in pharmaceuticals, software, or telecommunications, then Montreal may be the best choice for your business.

Canada’s Top Start-Ups Need Experienced, Local Movers

Since the start of the new century, Canada has been poised as a global leader in different aspects of the world’s economy. This is especially true for technology-based businesses with you entrepreneurs flocking to the area to find economic success. 

If you’re looking to relocate to one of these areas, it’s a good idea to hire a professional moving company who can handle all of your personal and professional moving needs. This way, your mind can focus more on the logistics of your business and not worrying about packing things up carefully and getting them moved in safely.

Easily Move Without Worry or Stress. Hire Experienced Movers That Care.

Crescent Moving & Storage has been in business for over 40 years providing reliable, timely, and safe moving services for businesses and homeowners in the Vancouver area. Find out why so many trust Crescent Moving to care for their most valuable assets. Contact us for a FREE, no-obligation moving quote.